Interesting Facts About Rice

Most of the people love to eat rice and it forms the staple diet of many all over the world. Rice is one food ingredient which is always available in our kitchen shelves but today we are going to share with you some interesting facts about this ‘NOT JUST’ staple food item which will surely leave you spellbound.

December 26, 2020

Here we go !

1. Do you know Basmati is World’s most fragrant rice? Basmati in Hindi means ‘the queen of fragrance’ and in Arabic it means ‘my smile’.

2. Rice is associated with Gods in many countries. In India, it is associated with God of wealth, Lakshmi. In Japan, it is associated with Sun- God Amatereshu-Omi-Kami, and in Thailand it is associated with Mae Posop, the ‘mother of rice’ deity, which is the reason, men are not allowed to enter rice paddies.

3. In Switzerland, pillows made of natural textiles are stuffed with rice which helps in relieving back and neck pain. They are first heated up in the microwave, then are positioned over the painful area.

4. Uncooked white rice can stay fresh and edible for almost 10-30 years (if they are stored properly). However, brown rice has a shelf life of 3-6 months because of its bran coating.

5. Rice is grown in almost every part of the world except Antarctica. It is adaptable and can be grown anywhere.

6. To produce 1 kg of rice, you need at least 5000 litres of water.

7. The Great Wall of China is held together by sticky rice. While it was being built, workers used a porridge made with rice along with calcium carbonate as a mortar to hold the wall together.

8. Toyota and Honda are named after rice. These two brands of cars from Japan have been named after rice. Toyota means ‘Bountiful Rice Field’ and Honda means ‘The Main Rice Field’.

9. In America, rice is not just a food but a name given to people and Universities. The most famous university ‘The Rice University’ is found in Houston, Texas.

Let us know in the comments below, if you find these facts interesting !